How to Help

a Child

Welcome To

Adonis Quality Life Initiative

We make an effort to be real…to make HOPE real!

We are a charitable organization focusing on initiating community solutions to help vulnerable people have a better life. Our target is the communities living in Esa Oke and the surrounding regions. We believe in giving hope through efforts that aim at enhancing human dignity and better living.

As a charitable organization, we focus on community projects covering different aspects. Our projects aim at resolving social strife, which includes food insecurity, short supply of drinking water, and lack of healthcare in cities and rural locations.

We are confident that our efforts combine with yours can transform a life a day. Only through being our brother’s keeper can we give them a gleam of hope and make the world a better place.

Our mission

Adonis Quality Life Initiative is to make the world a better place by improving other people’s lives. We believe that no one should live a deplorable life when we can team up together and improve it.

Everyone can touch a life with whatever they have, be it money, clothes, or time. As children of one God, we can support each other and ensure the vulnerable people get a breathable life.

Our goals

Our main objective is: instituting education, medical care, and sustainable livelihood for the vulnerable communities through strategic and diverse collaborations with private sectors, volunteers, sponsors, and benefactors in the Adonis Quality Life Initiative network.

We are certain that collaborations between you and us can help us achieve this objective and transform a child’s life forever.

Our programs and services
Adonis Quality Life Initiative

Youth Empowerment

Hungry People


Children Clothes and Shoes Donations

Women Empowerment

Food Distribution

Children Anti-hunger

Poverty Alleviation